Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Media Mouthpiece of Liberal Message

Following the election of President Donald Trump, liberals went from disbelief to panic. In an effort to discredit the new President, liberal media outlets seized stories of alleged violence by Trump supporters. Now that the dust has settled and these claims have been fully investigated by the proper authorities, everyone can see what was actually behind the claims. Not surprisingly, most of the claims turned out to be completely false.

One African American woman claimed that white male Trump supporters harassed her at a gas station with racial slurs and threats on her life. Her claim went viral on Facebook and President Trump’s election was said to be the cause of the incident. However, five police agencies including local and state authorities said that they did not receive any reports or evidence of the incident as the woman claimed. In another case, a Muslim student at the University of Michigan claimed that she was forced to remove her hijab after a white male Trump supporter threatened to light her on fire. Her story garnered instant attention from international media outlets, none of which stopped to verify that the student was telling the truth. However, those same media outlets did not feel so eager to report when the police determined that the claim was completely fabricated by the student. After reviewing many hours of surveillance footage, the police concluded that the student who made the claim was not even at the alleged crime scene when the alleged crime took place.

No one should be surprised that liberals came out and making these false claims in a desperate attempt to attack the new president. Liberals have used those kind of unethical tactics for years. However, what is even worse is the fact that media outlets rushed to report these false claims before they were verified. Then, when the claims turned out to be false, they refused to retract their previous reports. Americans need to know that the mainstream media does not prioritize telling the truth in their reporting. They often act as nothing more than the mouthpiece of the liberal agenda.

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