Thursday, April 6, 2017

Fifty Years of the Phyllis Schlafly Report: Communists Still Use the “Trick Called Trade”

All conservatives agree that we need to “drain the swamp,” but it is much harder to agree on how to do that. Ultimately, draining the swamp means removing the corrupt influence of Washington bureaucrats from an otherwise superior system of constitutionally limited government based on personal rights and free enterprise. To most, trade policy might seem irrelevant to this goal. However, Phyllis Schlafly understood that politicians use trade policy as a way to broker their power and pick winners and losers in a blatantly uncapitalistic fashion. She saw the importance of the trade issue when she wrote her August 1972 Phyllis Schlafly Report entitled “Subsidizing the Soviets with a Trick Called Trade.”  In order to truly drain the swamp, we must seize this unconstitutional power wielded by Washington bureaucrats who offer financial and commercial aid to those acting in aggression to American interests.

In 1972, the aggressor of primary concern was the communist bully known as the Soviet Union. If we were to substitute “China” for “Soviet Union,” we would have an incredibly relevant picture of the trade problems our nation faces today. The banner of “free trade” is still wholly insufficient to describe the reality of the trade situation. As Donald Trump said, “Open markets are the ideal, but if one guy is cheating the whole time, how is that free trade?” China is cheating now just as much as the Soviets did then. Trade, by definition, is supposed to be a two-way street; we give them something and they give us something of relatively comparable value in return. That simply does not happen when we trade with China.

One of the biggest trade violations China commits is currency manipulation, which is when a country intentionally and artificially inflates its currency to get the better end of a trade agreement. Although currency manipulation is not directly a tariff, it has essentially the same affect. China, like the Soviet Union, is also guilty of many ethical violations which give them unfair advantages in the global market. Although China is constantly pushing for environmental restrictions at global climate summits, they never follow the restrictions themselves. They just use those restrictions to gain an unfair advantage over the competition. Chinese companies are also not subject to the same child labor restrictions, working conditions restrictions, and health and safety restrictions that American companies are subject to. There can be no real “free trade” without a level playing field where free market principles are in place for everyone.

However, the biggest con by the Chinese today is the same one the Soviets used. They openly steal American patents and trade secrets. The key to American economic success has been our longstanding tradition of respecting intellectual property rights. The Founders felt that this was so important that they included it in the U.S. Constitution under Article I, Section 8, Clause 8. If inventors and artists are not allowed to gain the economic benefit of their work, they have no reason to continue their work. Countries like China do not recognize American copyrights and frequently steal American trade secrets for their own free use. As Phyllis said, “It makes no more sense to give the Soviets what American inventors have achieved in the climate of American freedom than it would be to have given the fruits of our system to Hitler.” Countries like China that embrace communism instead of capitalism should not be allowed to reap the rewards of our successful free market system.

Until President Trump changed the conversation, most people viewed trade as a matter of great imports, but not a matter of great import. Politicians do not address this issue because they care more about power and big business interests than they do the American inventor. We need to take a hard line against China’s unethical business practices if we are ever going to have truly free trade. President Trump is carrying out the vision of the August 1972 Phyllis Schlafly Report by negotiating trade deals for the benefit of the American consumer. We do not owe communist China anything. They are the ones who choose to value government control over prosperity. They are the ones who embrace an economic system that is on the losing side of history. Communist countries that rely on unfair trade deals and shady business practices will always find themselves “begging crumbs from the table of capitalism.” Phyllis Schlafly knew President Trump would give us trade deals that reflect that simple fact of history.

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