Friday, April 7, 2017

White House Cracks Down on Illegal Immigration

Illegal aliens who pose a risk to others or to the security of our nation should be deported immediately without awaiting formal criminal charges or convictions. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly’s new policy sensibly authorizes government officials to make such determinations.

These reforms and others are entirely consistent with the executive orders issued by President Trump last month, but carelessly blocked by federal courts. Already, we have seen new orders from the President that do not give up any of these essential policies.

Secretary Kelly’s directives properly advance two additional objectives of the Trump Administration. These new policies seek to: reduce sanctuary areas for illegal aliens and encourage local police to assist in the implementation of our immigration laws.

Until now, sanctuary cities that harbor illegals have been taking federal dollars with impunity, and an analysis by Reuters reveals that the top ten sanctuary cities receive $2.2 billion in federal aid. Yet a recent Harvard-Harris poll found that 80% of Americans oppose the policies of sanctuary cities.

Many local law enforcement programs for dealing with illegal aliens were suspended or simply not enforced during the Obama Administration. The vast majority of cities and towns across America have police who want to rid their communities of the crime brought by illegal immigration, but they could not do so for the past eight years.

Secretary Kelly indicated that the Trump Administration will restore programs that facilitate cooperation between local and federal law enforcement with respect to apprehending and removing illegal aliens. Specifically, Trump is reinitiating the Secure Communities and 287(g) programs, which authorize police to act like immigration agents and continue imprisonment of illegals suspected of committing crimes, before they are handed over to federal Immigration agents.

We are thrilled to see the Trump administration honoring their promises to take strong action against illegal immigration.

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